Learn more about Bulk Orders
If you are interested in placing a large order of stands, sticks or stand + stick combos; follow the info below. We will get to you in the order we receive your email. This is to ensure all customers are treated equally and experience the best customer service the industry has to offer.
Interested in submitting a bulk order? Yes
Are you a guide or outfitter?
Please contact info@verticaltreestands.com with the following information so we can begin verifying your Guide/Outfitter status. We will then reach out to help you process your order as fast as possible utilizing our Guide/Outfitter Discount Program
-Proof of Guide/Outfitter status (Business EIN#, Photo of Business Card, etc.)
-Full Contact Info (incl. name, shipping address, phone number and email address)
-Estimated Order Quantity (# of stands and # of sets of sticks - please also include color preference)
Please contact info@verticaltreestands.com with the following information. We will then reach out to help you process your order as fast as possible.
-Full Contact Info (incl. name, shipping address, phone number and email address)
-Estimated Order Quantity (# of stands and # of sets of sticks - please also include color preference)